Trees, verges need cutting back.
Reported via desktop in the Tree Requires Pruning category anonymously at 10:54, Wed 6 September 2023
Sent to Bromley Council 3 hours, 37 minutes later. FixMyStreet ref: 4964298.
The trees and bushes are so overgrown that they are hanging into the road (hanging over the yellow lines) on a dangerous bend in the lane. This narrows the pavement at a critical point in the lane. I assumed that this would be fixed before my children went back to school (I worry about the pavement being so narrow, especially on this bend) but unfortunately that’s not the case. Pedestrians are forced to go further into the road. They need cutting back so that the yellow lines are clear and free to walk on (I have always told my children to only walk on the yellow lines, but that’s not possible at the moment). We would be most grateful if these could be cut back as soon as possible. Many thanks Sarah Winter
Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Bromley Council at 14:32, Wed 6 September 2023
We are continuing to investigate and working to resolve this report
Posted by Bromley Council at 16:29, Fri 15 September 2023
Bromley Council are aware of this issue as it has already been reported to us via FixMyStreet or by telephone. The issue will be investigated and resolved within our service standards: fixservices Thank you once again for using 'FixMyStreet' to report this fault. If this problem persists, please provide further comments to the report.
State changed to: Duplicate
Posted by Bromley Council at 11:35, Tue 19 September 2023
I’m unsure as to why this report has been closed. If this is a duplicate report then the original has still not been rectified and no date has been provided for when it will be resolved. It is still a safety concern for pedestrians (and especially young children walking to and from school, including my own). It is on a sharp bend where the pavement is already limited.
Posted anonymously at 19:17, Wed 20 September 2023
Marking this problem, posted 6 Sept, as still ongoing.
State changed to: Open
Posted anonymously at 19:22, Wed 20 September 2023
Please could you provide an update on this. Still overgrown (more so now) on a dangerous bend, forcing cars and pedestrians to go further into the already narrow lane. Also scratching cars having to let oncoming traffic past.
Posted anonymously at 09:05, Mon 2 October 2023
Thank you for your comments. This issue has previously been reported to us which under the original enquiry is in hand to be resolved by the contractor. As this is a duplicate this enquiry will be automatically closed down.
State changed to: Duplicate
Posted by Bromley Council at 15:48, Tue 3 October 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.