Large amount of water collecting
Reported via desktop in the Road Defect category anonymously at 19:52, Mon 27 November 2023
Sent to Bromley Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 5258826.
When Road was resurfaced the surface wasn’t angled to allow water to flow towards the drain. Puddle gets bigger and bigger especially when blocked by leaves and then cars splash through it drenching children and parents turning into Scott’s Park school drive which is next door. Problem also exists further up the road towards roundabout on the same side of the road.
Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices
State changed to: In progress
Posted by Bromley Council
at 19:53, Mon 27 November 2023
Our contractor has been notified to take the appropriate action.
Posted by Bromley Council
at 13:42, Tue 28 November 2023
Further works are necessary to resolve the issue and have been scheduled for action.
Posted by Bromley Council
at 11:18, Wed 13 December 2023
Appropriate action has been taken to resolve the issue.
State changed to: Fixed
Posted by Bromley Council
at 08:31, Tue 19 December 2023
This report is now closed to updates from the public. You can make a new report in the same location.