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Back of my garden, trees are too tall and wide in council owned property that is blocking the day light sun coming to my garden and conservatory. We can't enjoy the day light view or put washing outside.they have grown gigantic over the years Infront of our eyes from weed baby plant in this small piece of land belongs to council.

Reported via mobile in the Tree Requires Pruning category anonymously at 13:43, Wednesday 30 October 2024

Sent to Bromley Council less than a minute later. FixMyStreet ref: 6676038.

This tree has been over grown over the years too tall and wide blocking the views and sun coming to my garden and conservatory. We can't put washing out side, flowers and vegetables are dying earlier than its time because of no sun(too cold for them), can't enjoy the family time in conservatory within my own property. I am requesting to prune as much possible and as soon as possible please. This has been real nuisance over the years and only getting worse. Thank you.

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  • Thank you for your report, this is now being investigated. Information on our services and the timeframes we aim to respond in can be found: fixservices

    State changed to: In progress

    Posted by Bromley Council at 13:44, Wednesday 30 October 2024

  • We have investigated the report issue and have made contact with the report originator and/or a subsequent commenter to outline further details. This report is now closed on FixMyStreet.

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Bromley Council at 10:15, Monday 4 November 2024

  • Thank you for your enquiry. This tree has been inspected and is not considered to require remedial works at this time. The situation will be reviewed cyclically and any required action will be addressed within a future works programme. Please note that as outlined in our Tree Management Strategy (tree-management-strategy-2023-to-2027 ( the Council will not prune trees in relation to the following:

    • Branches overhanging properties. Residents have the right to exercise their right under common law to prune back branches to their property boundary, withal arising disposed of by the resident. Pruning should be carried out following discussion with one of the Council’s Tree Officers and completed to the standard set out in BS3998:2010 Tree Work;

    • Tree size, where a tree is judged to be overly large.

    • Excessive leaf or fruit fall. Seasonal leaf and/or fruit fall should be expected and is not a reason to require pruning or removal of trees. The Council will not clear leaves or fruit from private properties but does manage leaf/fruit fall on Council owned footways and highways.

    • Problems associated with pollen.

    • Excreta caused by insects or birds. Honeydew (aphid excreta) and bird droppings are not recognised in law as a ‘legal nuisance’ and therefore does not justify removal or pruning of a tree. Hazards on the footway can be addressed by reporting these through Fix My Street. Residents can manage this problem through regular car washing, covering their cars or parking in alternative locations.

    • Obstruction of view: there are no rights associated with maintaining trees in accordance with maintaining views in British law

    • Lack of light: there is no ‘Right to light’ (or shade) in British law.

    State changed to: No further action

    Posted by Bromley Council at 10:17, Monday 4 November 2024

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