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Bromley Council
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New tree required
Hillcrest Road, Goddington, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR6 9AQ, United Kingdom Closed 09:17, 1 Oct 2024, last updated 15:58 today -
Homesdale Road, Bromley bus stop BH free standing litter bin left full.
Laurel Bank House, Bromley Common, Chatterton Village, Bromley Common, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR2 9LU, United Kingdom 15:56 today, last updated 15:57 today -
Southbank, Edgebury, New Eltham, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE9 3JZ, United Kingdom Closed 14:48 today, last updated 15:54 today -
Untaxed car been parked in road since July
Locksbottom, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR6 8PQ, United Kingdom Closed 16:05, 5 Oct 2024, last updated 15:53 today -
Damaged, Broken, Corroded and In Need of Repair Barrier
Croydon Road, Elmers End, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 4AB, United Kingdom Closed 09:55, 21 Aug 2024, last updated 15:52 today -
15 bags of dumped rubbish
Woldham Road, Chatterton Village, Widmore, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR2 9LA, United Kingdom Closed 13:48 today, last updated 15:52 today -
Issue with lettering added to path this week
Sparrow Drive, Crofton, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR5 1RY, United Kingdom 17:32, 26 Sep 2024, last updated 15:51 today -
Grass cutting
Leaves Green Road, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR2 6DP, United Kingdom 15:50 today, last updated 15:51 today -
Tree overhanging pavement
Albemarle Road, Shortlands, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 5FB, United Kingdom Closed 14:25, 16 Aug 2024, last updated 15:51 today -
Road surface broken down causing vibration in property when vehicles pass
Sefton Road, Poverest, St Mary Cray, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR5 1RQ, United Kingdom Closed 14:26 today, last updated 15:47 today -
Report 2 of 2 - Northeast door, Multiple spray tags on unpainted metal door shutters and adjoining brick walls, former Vactric (?) industrial unit, Oakfield Rd, Penge opp Laurel Grove junction.
Oakfield Road, Anerley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 8QW, United Kingdom Closed 20:20, Monday, last updated 15:46 today -
Another 'no cycling/no motorycling' sign is either vandalised or breaking up
Derwent Drive, Poverest, Crofton, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR5 1EW, United Kingdom 15:44, 3 Oct 2024, last updated 15:45 today -
Left over safety barriers and sign
Robin Hill Drive, Elmstead, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR7 5ER, United Kingdom 20:24, 23 Sep 2024, last updated 15:45 today -
Trees need pruning
Croydon Road, Keston Mark, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR2 7AE, United Kingdom Fixed 11:37, 29 Sep 2024, last updated 15:45 today -
Overhanging thorny bushes from house on the corner of Lake Ave. I think it’s 23 Burnt Ash Lane
Lake Avenue, Plaistow, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 4EN, United Kingdom Closed 23:11, 13 Aug 2024, last updated 15:45 today -
Tree needs pruning
Links Road, West Wickham, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR4 0QW, United Kingdom Fixed 17:48, Monday, last updated 15:45 today -
Tree root lifting Tarmac paving.
Stanhope Grove, Upper Elmers End, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 3HP, United Kingdom Fixed 17:24, 15 Sep 2024, last updated 15:44 today -
The recently painted sign saying no cycling and no cycling have been vandalised
Shepperton Road, Poverest, Crofton, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR5 1DN, United Kingdom 11:08, 27 Sep 2024, last updated 15:44 today -
Pavement Sign Vandalised
Heathside, Poverest, Crofton, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR5 1EY, United Kingdom 17:27, 29 Sep 2024, last updated 15:44 today -
Abandoned Caravan and car
Southlands Grove, Chatterton Village, Bickley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 2DG, United Kingdom Closed 09:46, 6 Sep 2024, last updated 15:44 today