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Bromley Council
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Overflowing Bin
Orbit Dry Cleaners, Beckenham Road, Elmers End, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 4LS, United Kingdom. Fixed 17:06, Monday, last updated 19:46 today -
Piles of leaves, leaves on pavement
Kent House Road, Penge, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7QP, United Kingdom. 11:19, Tuesday -
Railings damaged
Kent House Road, Penge, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7QP, United Kingdom. 19:32 today, last updated 19:33 today -
Street nameplate damaged
Thayers Farm Road, New Beckenham, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 4RN, United Kingdom. 19:31 today, last updated 19:32 today -
New LED light - out
Elmfield Road, Widmore, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 1AJ, United Kingdom. 19:23 today, last updated 19:24 today -
New LED light - out
Bromley South Station, High Street, Widmore, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 1LF, United Kingdom. 19:22 today, last updated 19:23 today -
New LED light - out
Evapo, 49a, High Street, Widmore, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 1LE, United Kingdom. 19:21 today, last updated 19:21 today -
Overflowing bin
Piquet Road, Anerley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7XX, United Kingdom. Fixed 15:32, Tuesday, last updated 19:21 today -
New LED light out
High Street, Shortlands, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 1LW, United Kingdom. 21:58, Monday, last updated 19:20 today -
Shops area between Bramerton Road and Whitmore road
Budget Appliances, Whitmore Road, Beckenham, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 3NS, United Kingdom. Fixed 10:10 today, last updated 19:09 today -
Yellow barrier
2, Anerley Hill, Crystal Palace, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE19 2AA, United Kingdom. 11:28 today, last updated 19:09 today -
Leaves and litter need cleaning
Southborough Lane, Blackbrook, Southborough, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR2 8BG, United Kingdom. 19:06 today -
The leaves on the pavement are slippery and dangerous
Eden Park Road, Elmers End, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR3 4AN, United Kingdom. 18:36 today, last updated 18:37 today -
You lied!
Glades Shopping Centre, High Street, Bromley Park, Plaistow, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 1EZ, United Kingdom. 23:04, 2 Nov 2024 -
Bin full
Cambridge Road, Anerley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7XN, United Kingdom. 18:15 today -
Plastic bag beside bin
Cambridge Road, Anerley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7XN, United Kingdom. 18:15 today -
Bins full outside station
Elmers End Road Bridge, Elmers End Road, Anerley, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, SE20 7YA, United Kingdom. 18:14 today -
Dead pigeon in the road
Green Farm Close, Green Street Green, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR6 6LU, United Kingdom. Fixed 12:06, 7 Oct 2024, last updated 18:08 today -
A number of pavement defects
Avonstowe Close, Tubbenden, Locksbottom, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR6 8DZ, United Kingdom. Fixed 12:36, 27 Oct 2024, last updated 18:04 today -
Additional leaves
Sunningdale Road, Chatterton Village, Southborough, London Borough of Bromley, London, Greater London, England, BR1 2EU, United Kingdom. 17:06, 31 Oct 2024